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Cameron and Sharon's Fundraising Page
Cameron and Sharon's Fundraising Page
We are raising funds in honour of our amazing son Brad, who was an Australian Federal Police Officer working in Alice Springs. Brad was tragically killed on 6 March 2021 in a road accident in SA.
During our time of grief, the AFP provided us with amazing support and helped guide us through the worst days of our lives. To thank them for all they did for our family, we take part each May in the Run4Blue.
In the month of May Cam aims to walk 250km in honour of Brad and to raise the much needed funds for AFP Legacy.
AFP Legacy perpetuates the memory of AFP Officers lost and supports the family members who have lost a loved one while in service to their community.

Donate to make a difference
Australian Federal Police Legacy Inc (AFP Legacy)
Australian Federal Police Legacy was set up to provide support including financial assistance to the families of AFP members. Should a current member, either sworn or unsworn, pass away on or off duty, whatever the circumstances (accident, injury or illness), sudden or diagnosed, then support will be offered. This support also extends in the instance where a partner of a current AFP member passes. AFP Legacy's purpose is to support the police family and to perpetuate the memory of those fallen AFP members.The AFP Legacy Board of Management comprises of a team of dedicated AFP employees who volunteer their time and represent a broad cross-section of the policing community. AFP Legacy is governed by a constitution and guidelines and is an Incorporated Association in the ACT.As a not-for-profit organisation, AFP Legacy relies on the generosity of payroll deductions, sponsors, fundraising and the sale of merchandise.With support received, AFP Legacy aims to continually improve in order to the meet the needs of the families being supported.
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